My Dystonia App – Møte i Dublin 21 oktober 2018
Oppfordrer alle til å laste ned My Dystonia appen.
Et virkelig godt hjelpemiddel til å ta med til legen din.
Loggføre de dårlige dagene dine og det blir da enkelt å huske når du sitter hos legen og du får spørsmål hvordan har de siste ukene vært ?
MyDystonia is an electronic diary created for people with dystonia. You can monitor your dystonia by documenting your symptoms and disease impact according to your medication – wherever and whenever you like.
In your personal electronic diary you can document your symptoms and disease impact by answering predefined or self-created questions.
With MyDystonia you create an accurate picture of your disease and treatment outcome over time. Now you can share insights with your docotor to discuss how to optimize your treatment approuch. reports created using MyDystonia can be printed or shared electronically.
Benefit immediately from MyDystonia and create your own account. Visit or download the App free of charge from the App Store or Google Play.